Columbia Kermit
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From: lsystemsd@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Lygo Systems")
Subject: Telnet disconnect
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Organization: Compulink Information eXchange
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 05:51:40 GMT
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Xref: news.columbia.edu comp.protocols.kermit.misc:9266
Telnet disconnection due to reboot.
I have a number of users connecting with MS-DOS Kermit telnet sessions
into Redhat Linux (4.2 & 5.1). If they close the connection with the
normal Kermit exit command without first logging off, then the telnet
session is closed on Linux which is just what I want. If, however, they
reboot their PC with ALT CTL DEL then the session stays active.
The reason that this is a problem is that they are running the Pick/D3
database which has a limited number of active users allowed to be logged
on at the same time. If they reboot their PC then that will effectively
lose one user unless the previous session is automatically logged off.
Pick has a couple of commands that in theory should deal with the
situation: DCD-ON and TRAP DCD EXIT. In other words if DCD is lost then
the session should be automatically closed. But it ain't happening...
This is not a Pick specific problem because the same thing happens if they
just log into Linux. I don't know if it's a Kermit problem as the
same thing happens with another Telnet client that I use.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.